Patient Day 2014 Sandostatin LAR Injection Tips
In today’s video, I’m going to show you how to do a deltoid injection, quickly and safely. This is one of the easiest and safest places to do an injection. Full instructions follow below. • 1 INTRO • This deltoid is a common injection site used in the medical industry due to it being a safe area away from any major blood vessels. That being said, doctors still recommend the glute for TRT injections, so please check with your doctor before making any changes to your injection process. Let’s get right to it. • 2 INJECTION SITE • Before we begin, let’s take a quick look at where we’ll be injecting. This comes directly from the medical literature and is practised by most doctors and nurses. • In the first graphic, you see the green zone on the shoulder, which represents the injection site, located between Point A: The Acromio-clavicular joint, and Point B: The Deltoid tuberosity. • Just to give you another view - here is a picture of a nurse’s dummy that has the deltoid injection site clearly demarcated. • • 3 PREPARE INJECTION • Next, let’s take a quick look at the equipment you’ll need. (go through quickly). • Prepare your injection as required and if you’re not sure how to do that, please check out my guide that clearly shows how to do this. I cover opening the ampoule or vial, drawing the medication out and removing bubbles from the syringe. Link to that video in the description below. • • 4 INJECTION PROCEDURE • 1.Locate injection site as described earlier • 2.Take an alcohol swab and wipe the injection site for a couple of seconds • 3.Take the prepared injection and remove the safety cap, making sure not to touch the needle • 4.Inject into the injection site. Before injecting, you can aspirate if you like or not. Aspiration is where you pull back on the plunger before injecting to check if you draw blood or not. See the description below for a video that explains aspirating, As we discussed earlier, this injection site is safe and devoid of any major blood vessels, and the medical community doesn't typically aspirate for this site anymore. • 5.Push down on the plunger until all the medication is out • 6.Remove the needle and replace the safety cap • 7.Wipe the injection site with an alcohol pad. It may or may not bleed a little. • 8.Finally, don’t forget to dispose of your sharp objects into a sharps bin or appropriate container. • 5 CONCLUSION • That’s it. Congratulations! You’ve done your first deltoid self-injection. Please be safe and work with your doctor at all times. Let me know how your injections go in the comments section below and please click like if you found this helpful. • How to prepare a syringe and needle for an injection: • How To Prepare An Injection For TRT (... • How To Aspirate: • • What Is Aspirating And How Do You Asp... • REFERENCES: • Are our intramuscular injections nerve-friendly? What are we missing? Simple techniques to prevent, recognize and manage nerve injection injuries. • • The deltoid intramuscular injection site in the adult. Current practice among general practitioners and practice nurses. • • A narrative review of the success of intramuscular gluteal injections • and its impact in sychiatry. • What Are Intramuscular Injections? • • DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR OR PRACTITIONER. THE INFORMATION IN THIS VIDEO IS FOR EDUCATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY - PLEASE ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TAKING ANY MEDICAL ACTION REGARDING YOUR HEALTH.