Ayam Asam Manis sweet sour chicken
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=aCclvoQESW0
Recipe in this #shorts video • Resep Ayam Asam Manis dalam #shorts video ini : • Sweet and sour chicken recipe in this #shorts video : • Chicken Marinate : • 300g dada ayam/ boneless breast, cut thick 1cm, lenght 2cm • 1 iris jeruk nipis/ slice lime • 1/2 sdt lada bubuk / tsp pepper • Crush spices/bumbu uleg : • 2 bawang putih /garlic • 2 jahe/cm ginger • 1/2 sdt garam/tsp salt • Campur ayam dan semua bumbu, diamkan 10-15 menit dalam kulkas / Mixed all chicken and spices and let it rest for about 10-15 minutes in the fridge • Adonan Kering / Dry Batter • 250g terigu / all purpuse fluor • 4 sdm kanji atau sagu /tbsp starch fluor/tapioca/sago • 1/2 sdt lada / tsp pepper • 1 sdt garam/ tsp salt • 1/2 sdt kaldu jamur /tsp mushroom stock powder • Ayak/Sift • Adonan Basah / Wet Batter • 3 sdm adonan kering / tbsp of dry batter • 100-125 ml air / water • Campur rata dan saring bila perlu. masukkan kedalam ayam yg dimarinasi, aduk rata. Lalu tuang setengah kedalam adonan kering, bolak balik beberapa kali, dan tekan sesekali, pastikan tepungnya menempel dengan baik. Angkat dan ketuk2 untuk mengeluarkan adonan yg tidak menempel. Lalu goreng sampai kuning kecoklatan / • Mix well, and strain if needed, add to the marinated chicken then mix well. Then puor half in dry batter, turn couple times until the dry batter is really stuck to the chicken. Then fry until golden brown • Saus asam manis / sweet and sour Sauce : • 3 bawang purltih cacah / clove garlic, minced • 2 sdm minyak goreng/ tbsp cooking oil • 350 ml air / water • 4-5 sdm saus tomat / tbsp tomato ketchup • 1 sdm saus tiram / tbsp oyster sauce • 1-2g gula rendah kalori / low cal sugar • 1/2 lada / tsp pepper • 1/2 - 1 sdt garam / tsp salt • Tambahkan 1 sdt cuka bila suka lebih asam /You may add vinegar if needed • *Wortel didihkan sampai setengah matang, baru masukkan bahan yg lain/ boil carrot until half cook, then add other veggies • Thicken fluor for sauce • 2 sdm maizena / tbsp corn starch • 50ml air / water • • Hope you can enjoy it, and please modity the recipe according to your taste. Don't forget to always do taste test. • Happy Cooking and enjoy 😀 • ♥️Dapur Permai Christina♥️