Advance Wars Jess Theme guitar cover
Jess' theme from the Advance Wars series. Some sort of industrial funk rock. Difficult piece to cover... and possibly my most complicated recording to date. While it sounds simple at first, there's an incredible amount of subtle guitar stuff, with each section using a different tone. • • Didn't really have the equipment to generate the kind of funky tone I wanted for one of the lead guitar sections... too bad really, since tone is one of the most important parts of playing guitar (despite the fact that so many people seem to completely disregard it). Wasn't really familiar with this playing style either, but learning new stuff is always good. • • Volume is lower in this recording since I didn't want to destroy the dynamics of the sound, especially since this piece has so much going on in it. But then again, its not like that really matters on youtube, what with its sound quality butchering and all. • • MP3 version: •