Be sure to watch me on Saturdays on Food Fantasies on OWN ( OPRAH WINFREY NETWORK) AT 1PM EST TIME ! • GRAB MY COOKBOOKS AND WEIGHTLOSS BOOK HERE • • • what you need • mixer • 2 large bowls • spring form pan • • Preheat oven to 350 degrees, Bake cheesecake until it is set around the edges, but slightly jiggly in the center, about 50-55 mins. Remove from oven, let sit on the counter for 1 hour then cover with foil and sit in the refrigerator for 6 hours or overnight for best results. • • INGREDIENTS: • To make the sweet potato pie filling: * this is also the recipe for a sweet potato pie filling, so feel free to use this recipe on its on and bake into a store bought pie shell. • 2 large sweet potatoes or yams • 2 sticks salted butter * to brown the butter, simply add the sticks of butter to a pot, turn the heat on medium and allow the butter to boil until it turns a brown color and starts to foam.. this will take about 2-3 minutes so please don't walk away from it! watch it! Allow the butter to cool about 5 minutes before using. • 1 tsp salt • 2 tbs cinnamon ( or to taste ) • 1 tbs nutmeg ( or to taste) • 1 cup heavy whipping cream • 1 cup brown sugar • 1 1/4 cup white sugar • 2 large eggs • mix together until nice n smooth • To make the cheesecake filling: • 2 blocks soften Cream cheese • this means to let the cream cheese sit out for a few hours to become room temp, please do not use cold cream cheese hunny, it went be sopped up and you will have a lumpy mess on your hands. • 1 1 /4 cup white sugar • 1/2 cup sour cream * room temp, so sit this out along with the cream cheese* • 2 eggs • 1 tsp vanilla extract • mix together until nice and smooth • To make the crust: • 4 cups cinnamon toast crunch cereal • 1/2 cup melted butter • Bake for 8 mins on 350 , remove from oven and let cool to work on filling. • Layer the cheesecake carefully.. start with the sweet potato filling, then cheesecake filling , then sweet potato, and end with cheesecake. Take a butter knife and simply make a pretty swirl at the TOP ONLY!! Do not swirl into the middle , because you will mess up the layers. ...only swirl the top.


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