Neuroendocrine Tumors – An Introduction
Neuroendocrine Tumor Grade I in the Appendix - Histopathology • Slides for the practical part of the pathology exam in Masaryk University. • Grading: • WHO grade 1: less than 2 mitoses / 10 HPF or Ki67 index less than 3% • WHO grade 2: 2 - 20 mitoses / 10 HPF or Ki67 index 3 - 20% • WHO grade 3: mitoses more than 20 HPF or Ki67 more than 20% • 2018 WHO changes - NET G3 vs NEC • NET G3 = NET morphology retained and mitoses more than 20 HPF or Ki67 more than 20% • IHC: synaptophysin, chromogranin • Carcinoid syndrome (diarrhea, flushing, asthma) in serotonin-producing cases with metastasis • • Follow me on Twitter: @SokolFilip