Cyrk Skalskiego
The Polish Fighting Team or, as it was popularly called, Skalski's Circus was one of the most famous, most interesting and most successful Polish aviation units of World War II. During just a few months of operation, team members shot down an impressive 25 planes for sure, 3 probably and damaged 9 enemy machines. All this with almost zero losses. On April 18, 1943, Mieczysław Wyszkowski saved himself by making an emergency landing behind enemy lines and was taken prisoner. • During just five weeks of operations, the Poles spread fear among German pilots. Their record 25 kills were a great proof of effectiveness and underlined that they had not lost the spirit of the Battle of Britain. Skalski completed the greatest number of combat sorties. Horbaczewski recorded the most certain victories, as many as 5. Skalski, Wacław Król, Kazimierz Sporny and Kazimierz Sztramko followed with three victories. The vast majority of German planes shot down were Bf 109s. Poles flew various versions of Spitfire IX planes throughout the period of operations. • Fifteen Poles gave a real show of great aviation craftsmanship. Skalski's Circus was considered by many to be an elite unit, a real set of air aces who mowered the opponent regardless of the circumstances and the balance of forces. Many times, Poles attacked outnumbered German expeditions, only to score more kills a few minutes later. After the capitulation of the Axis Powers in North Africa in May 1943, the Poles stayed at the front for a short time and then returned to Great Britain. In July 1943, an order came to officially dissolve the Polish Fighter Team. • 0:00:13 - Polish Flying Team • 0:12:48 - African contradance • 0:41:01 - Circus arrives • 0:55:43 - Stanisław Skalski • 1:04:59 - First flights • 1:16:53 - Circus shows its claws • 1:26:21 - Circus shows its fangs • 1:47:03 - Circus becomes famous • 1:58:44 - The campaign is coming to an end • 2:20:30 - The last victory • 2:36:58 - Circus is spreading its wings