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>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=aK8Vo3RZnlE
HI Y'ALL! I'm so glad you've chosen to watch this video, especially if you or a loved one has been affected by Chiari Malformation. Thank you so much for keeping up with my journey. • Follow me on Instagram! • Chronic illness page: / steph_the_chronically_ill • Personal: / stephstrand • ___________________________________________________ • If this is the first video you've seen, please watch my others first. • I'm getting brain surgery: • I'm getting brain surgery • Brain surgery: • I had brain surgery | chiari malforma... • 1 month update: • 1 Month Update After Brain Surgery (G... • My mission with posting these videos and recording my journey is to help anyone that I can! Before my surgery, I was searching on YouTube for videos like this, but couldn't find anything. So I'm hoping I can be a resource to anyone in need of support. It has been 1 year since my surgery. Everything is going okay. Not much progress, but thankful for my journey regardless. • If you have any questions...feel free to reach out! • ___________________________________________________ • (HERE IS THE MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS): • I was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation. Chiari Malformation is a condition in which brain tissue extends into your spinal canal. It occurs when part of your skull is abnormally small or misshapen, pressing on your brain and forcing it downward. • The most common surgery to treat Chiari malformation is posterior fossa decompression. It creates more space for the cerebellum and relieves pressure on the spinal cord. The surgery involves making an incision at the back of the head and removing a small portion of the bone at the bottom of the skull (craniectomy).