GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy XIII2


Video recorded by Master LL in HD! • ( ) • [ Final Fantasy XIII ] • Mission 64 Vercingetorix ~ Final Deathstination (5☆) • • ** WILL CONTAIN FULL SPOILERS!! ** • ** WAIT FOR HD QUALITY!! ** • • Wow, being underpowered sucks against the final mission... the gameplay is a little different since I lack the HP, survivability and damage against the boss compared to my JP counterpart where my Crystarium is maxed out. • That being said, I had to rely on more resistance gear to lower the damage from the boss. • Other noticeable differences between my EN vs JP versions: • I used Vanille instead of Hope, Hope will NOT survive at all with his 14k HP (JP has 18k hp). • Light is not developed into SYN enough to learn Haste. • ATK/MAG stats is low • Optima setting is different due to this circumstances as shown below... • [ Light / Vanille / Fang ] • [ RAV / RAV / COM ] • This is my Break setting, originally I used RAV/RAV/RAV on my stream but changed it because trying to get into Break Mode is too unpredictable due to the boss going into Shield Phase anytime. So letting Fang going COM to deal good damage is better while hoping for Light/Vanille to get to Break Mode. • [ COM / MED / COM ] • This is my offensive optima set when I don't think I can get to Break mode and need healing while needing much needed offensive damage. • [ MED / MED / SYN ] • Double healing while Fang buffs. Originally I would use Enhancer/Healer/Enhancer like my JP version if I had Light developed into the ENH/SYN, but in this gameplay I never farmed CP or grinded.. so its a pity. • [ SAB / SAB / SAB ] • Poison is a MUST no matter what.. aside from that, its all about dispeI from Fang and Vanille asap. • I wish could tell Fang to only cast Slow when debuffing, since Vanille and Light can throw the other debuffs... that would've helped a lot if Fang spammed Slow more since she is the only one that has the spell. • [ RAV / MED / SYN ] • This is my counter-optima against Vercingetorix breath attack which dispels my buffs. I get healed from Vanille while I build up the Chain bar for break mode and Fang recasts buffs (Haste is pretty much the most important). • [ SEN / SEN / SEN ] • Obviously my counter-optima against his super spinning attack which can instant kill me (whether by the attack itself or the falling damage). If SEN role level was developed further the damage would've decreased by a lot more too... • • Aside from that, its all ATB-Cancel for Burst Healing if needed. • But yea, this was a challenge since my stats and damage is low.. but it was fun! • Ironically, boss died the same way as my JP version.. at the very end when HP trouble for my party, he dies to poison. • Thanks to all who watched my final FF13 live stream in seeing me figuring out how to solve my underdeveloped party to 5☆ the final mission! • All missions are now 5☆ and pretty much finished with the game! • Hoped you enjoyed my videos and my live stream gameplay! • As for my review, I still stand in what I said in my review.. nothing have changed.. still a great game! • • ------------------ • System: PS3-EN • 1st Gameplay • WMV HD format, 8.0Mbps Bitrate, 1280x720, 30fps, WMV7 codec


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