ReddCoin 4229 Wallet Update May 20 2024
What's New in ReddCoin Core Wallet 4.22.9: Features Updates • This video provides a comprehensive overview of the new features and improvements included in the ReddCoin Core Wallet version 4.22.9. Key updates include a new GUI with a configurable ReddCoin icon color for network feedback, a custom theme chooser with a dark mode option, streamlined processes for enabling staking and wallet unlocking, and the addition of rescan capability for HD wallets. Furthermore, it reintroduces the GetInflation and GetInflationMultiplier RPC calls, improves performance during blockchain syncing, and supports BIP39 and BIP-44 seed phrases. The video emphasizes the wallet's enhanced user experience, security, and functionality, inviting users to download and explore its new features. • 00:00 Introduction to ReddCoin Core Wallet 4.22.9 • 00:16 GUI Enhancements and Customization • 01:12 Improvements in Wallet Functionality • 01:53 Blockchain Rescan Feature for Wallet Restoration • 02:34 RPC Calls and Testnet Demonstrations • 03:13 Performance Optimizations and Syncing Improvements • 04:02 Concluding Remarks and ReddHead Call to Action