How to Cook Sweetbreads CHOW Tip
Sweetbreads are the thymus (commonly mistaken as thyroid, even by professional chefs) or pancreas gland of a lamb, calf, or piglet. Their function in a live animal: helping with the immune system and digestion. Their function on a plate: deliciousness. Christophe Gerard, chef de cuisine of FARM at the Carneros Inn, blanches them in milk, then drains them and pan-fries them in butter. You don't need flour to get them nice and crisp. • • CHOW Tips are the shared wisdom of our community. If you've figured out some piece of food, drink, or cooking wisdom that the world has to know about, send us a message and tell us what you've got in mind! • See all the newest uploads from CHOW with the Latest Videos playlist: • Subscribe to CHOW: • For more recipes, stories and videos, check out • CHOW on Twitter:!/CHOW • CHOW on Facebook: / chow • ======================================================== • TRANSCRIPT • So I'm going to prepare sweetbreads, which is the thyroid gland from the veal. We blanch it in milk, fresh cut tarragon, mint, thyme, rosemary, and then after it's cooked for about five to six minutes, we press it to remove all the excessive water. And then what we do after that, we'll sear in clarified butter. We don't use any four. I don't particularly thing it's necessary. You can get a nice color, a nice crispiness, without the flour as long as your sweetbread is nice and dry.