Minneapolis police clear Uptown protest zone
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Police and protesters clashed as the City of Minneapolis cleared barricades erected across Lake Street in Uptown. The street had been occupied by protesters as a memorial to Winston Smith and Deona Marie Knajdek. Some protesters struck officers with debris, who then responded with less lethal weapons. • Smith's death during an attempted arrest by U.S. marshals — who were not wearing body cameras — launched daily protests at the Uptown intersection of Lake Street and Girard Avenue. • Protester Deona Knajdek was killed in the zone Sunday when a driver collided with another car being used as a roadblock to prevent vehicles from driving into demonstrations in the middle of the street. • You can learn more about the protests and fight for control of the street here: https://www.startribune.com/control-o... • #minneapolis #police #uptown #protest #winstonsmith #doenamarie