Delfinarium Duisburg DELFINE spielen OHNE FUTTER mit Pfleger und Tierärztin 🐬 zoosmedia


At Duisburg Dolphinarium we captured how dolphins have played with a caretaker and a veterinarian without feeding. This refutes the idea that the team of experts would force the animals to interact with them with food deprivation. • Of course, the dolphins' caretakers also give their animals food - in the morning a breakfast and then during the day more - but the animals also interact with the caretakers, if there's no food bucket around. For example, when whale expert and dolphin keeper Roland Edler is using the water jet to clean the dolphinarium, you will always see curious dolphins close to him. • The water jet is a favorite toy for both, animals and caretakers. You can see in the video how they both enjoy playing together. The dolphins do not drink the water but play with the water jet. • Roland Edler, who has been working in the Dolphinarium Duisburg for decades, and knows most of the animals from their birth, explains that playing is not only fun but also a good opportunity to control the welfare of the animals. • Playing behavior is luxury behavior. So, if the animals play extensively with the caretakers, for which they get numerous opportunities, the caretakers know that the animals are doing well. If a dolphin wouldn't do well or had problems, the dolphin would not kind of allow itself this luxury. • For the vet Sandra Dreyer, a playtime is a wonderful opportunity to control and monitor the well-being and health of the animals. It also makes people and animals happy to play with each other. • The fact that the animals, even without any possibility to get food, looking for the proximity to the team of dolphinarium, is due to the positive relationship between humans and animals at Duisburg Zoo. The relationship is based not just on food, but on a lot of trust, as well as mutual love and great respect. • Animal rights activists, who reject the husbandry of all animals, but currently very strongly attack the dolphinariums and want to shut them down, are trying to make the public believe that the interactions between humans and animals in dolphinariums would be based on food deprivation. Our video proves the opposite. • Modern dolphinariums, like the one at Duisburg Zoo, are places of animal welfare. For example, bottlenose dolphins live longer in modern dolphinariums (Willis, 2011), are healthier (Fair et al., 2017), and less stressed than their wild counterparts (including Monreal-Pawlowsky et al., 2017). They enjoy training and interactions with caretakers and also release happiness hormones during positive reinforcement training sessions (Clegg et al. (2018), Ridgway et al., 2014). • More than 80 of the world's most renowned scientists in this field support the husbandry of marine mammals in modern zoos and aquariums and emphasize the importance of this animal husbandry to important conservation projects and the research needed to save species. • » learn more about the toys of the dolphins at Duisburg Zoo:    • Delfinarium Duisburg: Spielzeug für D...   • ···················································································· • ZOOS.MEDIA • ► Homepage: • ► Never miss an episode: • ► Something new every day:   / zoosmedia   • ···················································································· • ZOOS.LOCATION • ► Website: • ► Conservation: • ► Our Playlist: • ···················································································· • ZOOS.FRIENDS • ► • ►   / theprozoosite   • ►   / dolphinariatruth-729987117081529   • ···················································································· • IMPRINT • ► • #dolphinarium #duisburgzoo #dolphins #zoos #bottlenosedolphin #playtime #dolphinariumgermany #animalwelfare #playingbehaviour #dolphinhusbandry #dolphinariumduisburg #food


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