Pretrial Diversion and Family Violence Cases
If you’re being charged with assault or a family violence case in San Antonio, you may be eligible for a pretrial diversion program. Pretrial diversion is a program for people who haven’t been arrested before to keep a charge from following you around for the rest of your life. If you successfully complete the program, your case stays dismissed and you’ll be eligible for an expunction. In a family violence case, it can also prevent you from having an affirmative finding of family violence even if the state has a strong case against you. • If you have any questions about this video, or if you're being charged with a crime in San Antonio, feel free to call me at 210-942-4997 or click the link below to schedule a free consultation: • • We also have a free download for you: 4 Things You Should Do Right Now If You've Been Arrested: • Also, check out our new podcast below to find out what to do when you’re arrested. • #SanAntonioLawyer #TXLawyer #familyviolence #Assault #possession #BexarCountyLawyer #CriminalDefenseLawyerSanAntonio #CriminalDefenseLawyerTX #CriminalDefenseLawyerBexar #SeanHenricksenLawFirm #SanAntonioLawyerFreeConsultation #Lawyer #CriminalDefenseLegalAdvice #criminaldefenseattorney #pretrialdiversion • ADVERTISEMENT • Sean Henricksen Law Firm • 3011 Nacogdoches, Bldg 1 • San Antonio, Texas 78217