Angular Hive Beautifully encapsulate tablerelated logic in a data source
Welcome to 🅰️ngular Hive group. • Here is the schedule for June month Meetup event. Please RSVP now and also invite your friends and colleagues that are as awesome as you. • Event schedule (in IST): • ------------------------------- • 10:00 AM - 10:05 AM - Welcome note • 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM - Beautifully encapsulate table-related logic in a data source. by Adithya • 11:05 AM- 11:25 AM - Raffle event (Winners get One-year FREE License to Jetbrains IDE). • 11:25 AM - Closing note • What we will discuss at the event? • ---------------------------------------------- • Talk: Beautifully encapsulate table-related logic in a data source by Adithya • Separate the code which drives a table like sorting, pagination, filtering, etc from the main component code using the concept of Data source. • About Adithya ( • Sr. Front-end Engineer at Hypersonix. Passionate about Angular and Node. He spends his time either working on side projects or writing blogs. TypeScript is his bae. • Who can attend? • ----------------------- • Those who already using Angular at work or started learning Angular will find this event very helpful. If you are new to Angular (Haven't used it before), you are still welcome - Collaborate with the group for great learning. • What do you need for the event? • ---------------------------------------------- • Laptop • Why do I conduct this event? • ----------------------------------- • I want to share my knowledge on Angular with the developer community and help them with their learning. This online platform also bridges our Developers from India with International speakers. Event cost - FREE (always forever) • Code of conduct: • ------------------------ • We follow the same code of conduct followed in ng conferences. •