Genshin Impact Why Ningguang Is Sleeper OP
ENDEAVOUR PREP GUIDE! • Endeavor Preparation Guide | MHA The ... SHOULD YOU SUMMON? • SHOULD YOU SUMMON FOR BAKUGO? New Ban... ! Budget Blighted Rounds Techno Build - • BUDGET Blighted Rounds Technomancer B... BEST Budget AP Pyromancer Build - • Outriders | BEST Budget AP Pyromancer... • How To Climb Challenge Tiers Quickly - • Outriders | Challenge Tier Climbing G... • Ningguang Damage Showcase - • NINGGUANG IS INSANE | Nuclear Ninggua... • Leave a like and SUBSCRIBE / NOTIFY if you're new! • Details below! • Ningguang is overpowered! Many people are putting her at the bottom of tier lists but in genshin impact Ningguang is overpowered as a main dps! • In this video I'm going to break down what makes ningguang overpowered in genshin impact and why some people are having issues with her. • You need to stack crit and attack percentage on Ningguang, she does not scale off of elemental mastery at all! • Ningguang is sleeper op because most people write her off due to geo damage. What they don't understand is that her damage ratios on her basic abilities rival 5 star characters in terms of damage output. • If you combine Ningguang with normal attack buffing characters and artifacts she becomes a DPS machine! • Hopefully this ningguang guide helps you to play Ningguang better if you are f2p or a whale! • #f2pGenshin #Ningguang #NingguangGuide