Superclass Empire
A new breed has emerged; they set the global agenda, ride on Gulfstreams and manage the credit crunch in their spare time. • They are anything but elected; they are entrepreneurs and entertainers, media moguls and former politicians - the self-made super rich who are using their money to lay down a new set of global rules. • They have more in common with each other than with their countrymen, set apart by their ability to regularly influence the lives of millions of people around the globe. • So where did this new global aristocracy come from and who is keeping them in check? • Why should Oprah Winfrey have the ear of President Obama, and who gave Shakira the right to dictate education policy? • But then again, when you have as much money as Bill Gates and you are prepared to give it over to a good cause who is going to stop you? • It is all well and good until the revolving door spins in the wrong direction. Empire talks to Christopher Hitchens about Henry Kissinger and his life beyond elected power - it does not seem to have changed that much. • Is the world suffering from a global governance gap? Should we be worried that the superclass seems to have an ever-expanding reach that bypasses governments and remains unchecked? • Empire finds out. • Social Media links: • Facebook: / aljazeera • Instagram: • Twitter: / ajenglish • Website: • google+: