If you were raised by a mom who struggled with untreated Borderline Personality Disorder, your experience and internalization (as a daughter or son) of what relationships, emotions, boundaries, etc are supposed to look like, may play out in the friendships you choose or have chosen. • When our mother has difficulty with her own emotional world, we may also struggle to identify others who struggle, because often emotional turmoil was just part of our lives. • However, due to being raised by someone who has difficulty, and who was supposed to be our safe haven-- but might also have been a source of fear or anger or complex love, we might play out our childhood dynamics with friends. • Either we attract friendships that end up feeling similar to our moms, or we feel easily hurt or misunderstood, or we struggle with boundaries and way or another, we can end up experiencing highly close, intense and eventually hurtful friendships, if we aren't aware of ourselves, and our stories and experiences. • 🦋Friendships are attachments, and just like all attachments, we can sometimes end up in a repetitively compulsive replay of our mother/daughter relationships. • 💕💕This video describes what I often see in daughters (or sons) of moms with Borderline Personality Disorder, and how our friendships play out-- once we chose and engage in often intensely quick relationships. • 💕💕💕However, while I have not yet discussed the opposite of developing intense friendships, some of us who are children of those who struggle with BPD might instead be more avoidant, not trusting friendships, and being more inclined to never let others in (I will discuss this asap!) • ❤️❤️As always, I want to share that I have deep compassion for those who struggle with BPD, and that I know that no two individuals with BPD are alike. • So, please know that this video, like all my videos, does not imply that you or someone you love will or does experience any, some or all of what I share. Also, being untreated vs treated can make a huge difference, just as much as level of intensity, etc. • • Dr. Kim Sage - Tik Tok (I am finally posting here:) • @drkimsage