The Lost Guitar Riff of Metallicas Orion ⭐⭐⭐


Check our new all-Metallica channel    / metalligeektv   • You cannot find this guitar riff on Metallica's Orion isolated guitar track (download them below). Even though you can hear it in Orion's studio version. It sounds similar to Cliff Burton's bass, but it's clean guitar. And Metallica doesn't play the riff live. We're trying to decode the lost guitar riff of Orion and figure what happened to it. Tabs included. Thank you for such a masterpiece, Cliff \\m/ • Orion isolated tracks • Gthic rings (-30% discount by the code huy ) • 🎧 Listen to MetalliGeek - Metallica podcast (free, no ads, no log in, android too) • Join our TeleGang • Patreon   / andriyvasylenko   • Merch • STUFF YOU MIGHT LIKE • ▶ Metallica (Over)Analyzed    • Playlist   • ▶ What Makes These Songs D O P E (not only Metallica)    • Cool Songs Review   • ▶ Fun Metallica Compilations    • Metallica Compilations   • Special thanks to patrons for their support: Even W, Murphy, Beddez, Tiler RH, Tzvetomir P, Tim S, Sharad S, Gjermund GT, Aaron B; James R, Luifa G, Mark A, John S, Ronny A, Mason N, John R, John B, Partick S, ChaoticBeauty, Kevin G, Melinda B, Mirco D, Ersin S, Bo Dan P, Dustin H, Josh N, Felix S, William RD, pototos59, Aaron L, Jorge C, Terry M, Evgeni V, Chris B, Kyle J, Faris C, Bartloniej H, Dan L, Christos K, Maksim K, Rene H, Jeremy K, Chris B, Jameson M, Bogdan S, Marcin B, Felix F, Andy S, Matt R; Paul B, Elliott W, Gustavo V, Jerome R, Mountain Mirrors, Klaus WH, Anaira H, Ivan, Brett, Martin V, Michails S, Jake S, Travis Y, Jesse D, Vladislav V, Maxim S, Zach B, Adam, Graham D, Chuck B, Olle L, Jordan M, Dani T, Marco M, Diego G, Cover Solutions, Boris M, Dominique F, Andrew W, Reza G, Alfonso M, and others \\m/ • ----- • Background music: Big Rock Cool Rock Kevin MacLeod ( • Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License •


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