Paano Kunin ang Sarimanok in 2 days Manok na Pula Part 23
Get the details of this recipe (in English) here: • Pininyahang Manok is a delicious chicken and pineapple dish. This can also be called pineapple chicken. Chicken and pineapple is a good combination; this is one of the reasons why pininyahang manok is a successful dish. • This pininyahang manok recipe (pineapple chicken recipe) makes use of fresh (or evaporated) milk to give the dish a rich flavor and texture. It also requires both red and green bell peppers (capsicum). This improves the flavor of piniyahang manok and makes it looks more appetizing. • Coconut milk can also be used instead of fresh or evaporated milk. The version with coconut milk is more creamy and rich, but both versions taste as good as the other. • Pininyahang manok is one of the best chicken recipes around that you should try. • Piniyahang Manok is also known in other countries as : 菠萝鸡, poulet à l'ananas, パイナップルチキン, ayam nanas, Ananas Huhn, pollo piña, frango abacaxi, ananas kip, ananas kylling, ανανά κοτόπουλο, ананас курица, cearc anann, pollo ananas, ananas z kurczaka, ไก่สับปะรด, अनानास चिकन