Why you need a PHYSICAL security key 🔑
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=adg1uS5CAII
Special thanks to #FEITIAN for sending me some Security Keys to REVIEW for sponsoring the FIRST #TheAzureAcademy #giveaway to help all of you go #PasswordLess Since Password first became a thing, we've all been trained to make up passwords that are hard for humans to guess...unfortunately things that are hard for humans are easy for computers to hack. • And with what I have in this package…we’re going to see if FEITIAN Security Keys can help us fix that! • 0:00 FEITIAN Security Keys • 1:40 Windows-FEITIAN BioPass K27 • 5:25 Mobile-FEITIAN iePass K44 • 8:44 AzureAD-FEITIAN ePass K9 • 13:00 GiveAway Details • 📡 Your Resources: • ►FEITIAN Products: ftsafe.com/PathToPasswordless • ►Subscribe to Azure Academy: https://aka.ms/AzureAcademy-Subscribe • K27: https://www.ftsafe.com/store/product/... • K44: • https://www.ftsafe.com/store/product/... • K9: • https://www.ftsafe.com/store/product/... • Sponsored GIVEAWAY Details: • Thanks to FEITIAN Technology for supplying the 3 ePass K9 Security Keys for this giveaway! • 1. You must be Subscribed to #TheAzureAcademy YouTube Channel, follow me on Twitter or LinkedIN • 2. Share this video on Twitter or LinkedIn with the text - #TheAzureAcademy #PasswordLess #Giveaway • 3. Winner will be selected at random. • 4. DEADLINE: August 31st 2021, Contest open WORLDWIDE, all entries are free, no purchase nessessary. • 5. I will Direct Message the winners to get your info and send you the keys! • ▬▬▬▬▬▬ S U P P O R T 💰 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • ► Become a Learner TODAY: https://tinyurl.com/AzureAcademy-Subs... • ► Twitter: / msazureacademy • ► LinkedIn: / dean-cefola-2902934b • #TheAzureAcademy #PasswordLess #FEITIAN