Lelouch Vi Britannia Code Geass AMV Viva La Vida
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=agmUx6MRvGU
When Lelouch Vi Britannia Ruled the World! • Viva La Vida as a song just narrates Lelouch Vi Britannia and his story, a perfect blend of sorts. Complete Masterpieces • As R3 : Lelouch of the Resurrection is around the corner, hopefully we get to see our Man and Emperor Lelouch Returning from C's World! • Anime: Code Geass • Song: Viva La Vida By Coldplay : • Coldplay - Viva La Vida (Official Video) • I own neither the Anime Code Geass , Nor the song By Coldplay. This Video is for entertainment purposes only. • Do let me know your thoughts on my edit! Do like, share and subscribe for more Amv's!