How to Make a Simple Rain Barrel PlatformStand
In this tutorial, we review the steps needed to make a simple concrete block platform for your rain barrel or rain tank. This assumes you'll be using a barrel that is at most 24 in diameter. For this project, you'll need: • *(1) Shovel • *(1) Level • *(1) Tamper (you can also use a concrete block for compaction if you don't have a tamper) • *8 x 8 x 16 concrete blocks (4 per layer) • *(1) 24 x 24 concrete walk slab (or four 12 x 12 slabs) • *(Optional) Small gravel (1/2 and smaller) • For more information, please visit our website: . Please subscribe to our channel for more rainwater harvesting tips. Thanks very much for watching!