MoneySense Mondays 27th April
Join us every Monday morning for two fun and interactive MoneySense lessons, specially created for Key Stages 1 and 2 and hosted by experienced teachers and NatWest Community Bankers. • Each lesson will be broken down into a 10 minute introduction and around 13 minutes of activities with a 7 minute Q A at the end. • We'd love you to share what your children have learned on social media and help us spread the word to other parents. #MyMoneySense #MoneySenseMondays • Lesson 1: Monday 27th April, 10-10.30am • Level: Key Stage 1, ages 5-8 • Topic: Notes and coins • Lesson 2: Monday 27th April, 10.30-11am • Level: Key Stage 2, ages 8-12 • Topic: Budgeting • Teacher host: James Aylott • James is a former Headteacher and Maths Leader from Essex. He's the founder of popular maths resource Number Stacks ( • NatWest host: Trudi Zimmer, Community Banker from Somerset • What is MoneySense? • MoneySense is a financial education programme, provided for free by NatWest, that aims to help 5-18 year-olds towards a better financial future. It uses the key money moments in a young person’s life – starting to save their pocket money, opening a bank account or getting their first mobile phone – to make learning about money feel relatable. • Find more resources for parents on our website: • Accredited and educationally robust • MoneySense is proud to have been awarded the Financial Education Quality Mark by Young Money. The programme is based on the Financial Education Planning Framework, and has been created with input from practising teachers to support the curriculum.