The Best of Ricky Gervais on Religion


#atheist #secular #religion #normalizingatheism • - • Ricky is a well known comedian, actor director, but he is an atheist humanist, also. He states that he abandoned religion at the age of eight. In December 2010, he wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal defending his atheism. He is an honorary associate of the UK's National Secular Society, a patron of Humanists UK, a British charity which promotes the humanist worldview campaigns for a secular state on human rights issues. On 3 September 2019, Gervais was awarded the 2019 Richard Dawkins Award. The award recognizes individuals who proclaim the values of secularism rationalism, upholding scientific truths wherever it may lead. Gervais received the award during a Center for Inquiry-sponsored award ceremony at London's Troxy Theatre. Dawkins praised Gervais for being a witty hero of atheism and reason. • 🎼MUSIC licensed to Pasta Mike, from: ARTLIST: • - • If you live in a densely populated country, /or city, the people are believers of gods supernatural claims, to the point that they live by rules guidelines written thousands of years ago by man claiming to have gotten said rules from different versions of different gods, you're still not convinced... • No problem, we're here sharing information about what atheism is. That’s because it’s literally only one simple thing... the unbelief in any deity claim, that’s it. Some say, the lack of belief, or the denial of belief, however you look at it, if you do not accept the claim that supernatural powers are at force, (in the form of a god ) at the level of concerning itself with what we eat, wear whom we have relationships with, then you’re an atheist. The opposite to an atheist is a theist. There are also more terms for people who believe or disbelieve such as, deists, pantheists, anti-theists, some other variations varieties. To simply put it, if you don’t believe in the claim that a god or gods exist, you’re not what the claim is making you out to (supposedly) be. • - • #firstamendmentrights #secularhumanism #atheist •


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