L Carnitine Liquid Vs Pills 3 Reasons Why Liquid Always Wins
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Thinking of taking an L-Carnitine supplement? Wondering if you should take a liquid or pills? Find out why liquid is your best options... • Subscribe to this channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ultimatef... • View other videos in the fat burners playlist: • • Fat Burners • Visit our web site: http://www.ultimatefatburner.com • 6 Things You Need To Know About Taking L Carnitine for Weight Loss: • 6 Things You Need To Know About Takin... • Hey everyone, Paul from Ultimate Fat Burner.com here, and today I'm going to give you three reasons why you should always • choose a liquid l-carnitine product over capsules. Be right back with the details in just a moment, stick around... don't • go anywhere! • Hey. Holy crap. You're still here. welcome back. • Two quick things before I begin... • 1) If you're interested in taking l-carnitine, you'll want to watch my video, • I'll include a link to it at the end of this video. • Second - and I gotta warn ya, this is a shameless pitch - it would be awesome if you subscribed to this channel, I'd really • appreciate it. • Alright, let's dig into this mother. As you know you can buy l-carnitine either in a liquid format - like this - or you • can buy it in capsule format. In my opinion, liquid always wins, and I'll give you three reasons why, starting with... • Reason #1 Cost. • You get more for your money when you buy a liquid formula. • For example, a 30-day supply of a liquid formula will set you back 18-19 US dollars on Body Building.com. For around the same • money or just touch less, you can buy a 20-day supply of pills. • #2 Dosage... • If you're going to take l-carnitine, you need to take a significant dose - in the range of 3 grams or 3,000 mg per day at • minimum. The liquid products I reviewed mostly delivered an effective dose in a single serving. The dosing on the capsules • was much less clear - in other words, it's much easier to take a smaller, ineffective dose when you're taking capsules. • #3 Convenience • Liquid l-carnitine products taste good and deliver a full strength dose in a single serving. in order to get an effective • dose from the standard sized 500 mg capsules, you'll need to take 6 capsules per day. Who wants to bother with that? • Alright guys there you have it; 3 reasons why liquid l-carnitine supplements beat the pills, hands down. • If you found this video helpful, a thumbs up or share would be awesome... I'd really appreciate it! • • If you've taken l-carnitine and want to share your experiences that would be very cool, please leave a comment • below - if you have a question, you can also post it below. • Also Before I go, just another quick to reminder to subscribe to receive updates from this channel, I'd really really • appreciate it! • Thanks for watching, I'll see you soon.