mylocosoundcom Sound in a Model Railway Coach

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ produce DC and DCC systems to put steam (or diesel) sound into a coach for a model railway. You can then hook this up to any locomotive, and it then has sound that changes speed with the loco. The coach reads the power going into the track from the controller, and alters chuffing accordingly. • • You need to set the moment that it starts for each train (this can be altered each time if you wish for different locos). You can set the chuffs per wheel rev to 6 (for an A4 Pacific) or 8. Rolling roads are useful here. The speed can also be set when running half speed as well as slow speed. You can alter the relative volumes of the Guard Whistle, the Loco Whistle (or Chime for A4), and the Venting sound, plus of course the main steam sound. Tuning the train whistle requires a good ear. Needs practice. I've only spent a couple of days with the unit here. • • Certain factors can effect running such as a controller that gives an unsteady voltage or cuts here and there, as this would cause the electronics to fluctuate. Dirty track or wheels is another problem - keep clean. If your track has a gradient, or is now pulling a heavier load, all of these things might mean the system needs tweaking to suit but this can be done, and for each loco as you need it. • • This video is myself giving a brief overview of the system, and it is my own personal view. This video is designed to give you lots of helpful information. But it is up to you if you buy -- do your research. Choose a system that suits you. • • I found it to be very good indeed as a generic steam sound, and it functions very smoothly as you can hear. All tiny models don't sound quite like a big Gresley A4, how can they? This suits me very well though. This is my second unit - mylocosound happily exchanged my first, as it was faulty, and were friendly to deal with. For service I recommend them. • • This was another update to my Calverton 4 Train Layout -- please follow my regular progress - This update 22nd/23rd Aug 2013 - Loco Sounds in Teak Coach. • • Web site: • • Internet search 'Calvertfilm'.


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