How to Use Unix MORE Command


Follow this step by step tutorial to learn how the UNIX MORE command can be used to display output on the screen according to your need. • Don't forget to check out our site for more free how-to videos! •    / ithowtovids   - our feed •   / howtechtv   - join us on facebook • - our group in Google+ • In this tutorial we will show you how to use the unix more command. The more command is used in Linux for displaying the text on the screen. • It is basically a filter that can be combined with other attributes, for example paging through the text etc. • In this tutorial w e will explore the different variations that come along with the unix commands of more. • Step 1 -- List the directory contents • First of all, let's list the contents of the directory over here. You can see a text file is present in the directory. • Step 2 -- Use the more command • Now let's type more along with the file name, which in this case is TextFile . Once we hit enter, the contents of this text file is displayed on the screen. • Step 3 -- Enter command with the c attribute • Now let's try this command with the c attribute • For that type more --c TextFile and hit enter • You will notice that the screen will get cleared and the contents of the file would be displayed here • Step 4 -- View the output • You will notice that the screen will get cleared and the contents of the file would be displayed here. • Step 5 -- Associate numbers with the command • You can also associate numbers with the unix more command. Let's look at an example. • If we type more -10 TextFile and hit enter, you will see that only the data till line number ten is displayed. This is actually what the num tag does. It only displays the text up till the number specified. If you want to see additional data in the file, you will have to press the Enter key. • Step 6 -- Exclude the first 10 lines • Similarly to exclude the first 10 lines of your data, you can use the +10 attribute along with the more command. Here you will observe that the first 10 lines of the text file would be excluded and the rest of the data would be displayed. • And that's it, from the above steps you can understand the attributes of the unix commads of more.


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