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A fifteen-year-old boy died from a mysterious gunshot wound to his head while he was sitting in the lobby of his father's gun club. Ballistics, laser technology, made-to-scale models, and the latest in forensic animation showed that bullet had followed a tragic course after a misfire at the outdoor range. Originally aired as Season 1, Episode 2. Medical Detectives, also known as Forensic Files, is a pioneer in the field of fact-based, high-tech, dramatic storytelling. This series of television programs delves into the world of forensic science, profiling intriguing crimes, accidents and outbreaks of disease from around the world. Follow coroners, medical examiners, law enforcement and legal experts as they seek the answers to • baffling cases. • This video for public awareness. • I DO NOT OWN FORENSIC FILES, NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. • All Credit TO FilmRise, CBS, Medstar Television AND Trifecta Entertainment Media. If any of the above wishes the removal of this video, please message me and I shall oblige. • #bobbybajaj #freemusicandentertainment