Using a Juul for first time
When using a Juul for the first time it's important to know how to operate it. In the video I got you covered when using a Juul for the first time from setup to flavors. There's allot of controversy surrounding the Juul pod and one of those questions isn't asking is the Juul any good. It's more like is the Juul going to survive. Recently the US FDA is forcing Juul and other companies to devise a way to stop under age buyers from using their products. What's your thought on this? Should a company enforce age restrictions? Or should it be a local law enforcement agency or in parenting? Let me know in the comments. • Subscribe: • • Since launching about two years ago, the Juul has become one of the hottest e-cigarettes on the market. It's been called the iPhone of e-cigs and it has gained somewhat of a cult following among young adults. • Electronic cigarettes are battery-powered devices that convert liquid into a vapor, which you inhale. So they can deliver nicotine like a regular cigarette, but without the tobacco, burning, or carcinogen-laden smoke — which is why they are generally thought of as a safer alternative.