🎶 「アメイジング・グレイス」をボサノバで!癒しのリズムに心躍るアレンジ✨
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=b-7VLRoicDs
🎶 Amazing Grace in bossa nova! An arrangement that will make your heart flutter with healing rhythms✨ • The hymn Amazing Grace, loved all over the world, has been arranged in a light and comfortable bossa nova style! This song features soft guitar and rhythmic percussion that will make you feel the breeze of the tropics🎸✨. • This arrangement is both healing and refreshing at the same time, making it perfect for when you want to relax or are looking for stylish background music! Please enjoy this new style of Amazing Grace 🎵. • 📌 If you like the video, please support us by Like and Share ! We also have videos of hymns and classic songs arranged in a bossa nova style, so please subscribe to our channel and enjoy our other songs 😊🌴 • #AmazingGrace #BossaNovaArrangement #HealingMusic #Hymn #RelaxingBGM #StylishMusic #BossaNovaStyle #TropicalFeeling #HealingMusic #ClassicSongArrangement