Gundam SEED Destiny Final PlusSpecial Edition Extended Ending English Dubbed
This is the special extended ending clip that is not apart of the original season episodes. It is placed at the end of the Gundam SEED Destiny: Special Edition series as well as the extra episode 51 or Final Plus episode. • Brief Summary: • In this scene, the main characters are found at the memorial in Orb. Shinn finally comes face to face with Kira, who invites him to join them in their cause. After a prolonged handshake, they go their separate ways. • In the credits, it is implied that Cagalli and Lacus both return to their respective nations to lead them. Kira is shown wearing a Zaft uniform and embracing Lacus when they were reunited. Ramius and Mu are also shown together. • Song at 3:30 - Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru by See-Saw. • Copyrights belongs to Bandai.