Barry Morphew Girlfriend
Barry Morphew,........ Girlfriend • This Channel is operated by a retired law enforcement detective and the Live Streams will be a place where cyber sleuths can gather leads and information in hopes of helping law enforcement find the missing persons we feature on this live stream. If you have information , I encourage you to call the local tip line or law enforcement agency investigating the case. We hope we can discuss idea's, develop leads and maybe use social media to find that missing person this channel features. • Visit our RV Channel: / 1millionmileroadtrip • / themissinglivestream • • legal stuff • This channel is for entertainment only, the channel owner is a retired Law enforcement officer , not a current law enforcement officer, and this channel owner is not a lawyer. The opinions discussed here , are only the channel's opinion, do not take the information as fact. We support law enforcement and encourage all tips to forwarded to law enforcement .