267 Neo Geo Battle Coliseum Bosses and Hidden Characters 14 Goodman gameplay
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Gameplay of the boss Goodman in SNK's Neo Geo Battle Coliseum. • Goodman's moves: • http://strategywiki.org/wiki/NeoGeo_B... • Neo Geo Battle Coliseum is the spiritual successor to SNK vs Capcom. By comparison however, it's a substantially better game, with a much better game engine, a great tag system and a great selection of characters. The game doesn't feature a traditional arcade mode, instead featuring a sort of survival mode. Players defeats numerous opponents in this mode until the timer runs out, after which they will fight one of four bosses; Neo Dio, King Leo, Mizuchi (palette-swap of Orochi) and finally Goodman. • As the big bad of the game, Goodman is based off of that infamous SNK boss Igniz. In fact, as the main antagonist he's supposed to represent the time when SNK was a subsidiary of Eolith. Apparently, even they couldn't stand them. The whole game in this way is very meta. The evil company behind was little of a plot there is in this game is called WAREZ. Warez, as you might know, is a term which refers to pirated games, which SNK blames for its own bankruptcy. This is quite literally Chris-Chan levels of writing. • Goodman is strange final boss. Design-wise I think he feels more refined than Igniz, and I presume this is SNK setting right one of their least favourite designs. However, what makes Goodman odd is that he only has four special moves, compared to the extensive move lists of most other characters. There is good reason for this however. His power comes from that ape flame spirit which he commands. When he uses a special move, he first attacks with his flame whip, which does in fact deal damage to the opponent too, and then then flame spirit will damage them also. When he uses an special move, he can then cancel this special move into another special move, meaning he can potentially keep bombarding the opponent with attacks as much as he wishes. He's a little broken in this way. As a result, it turns a simple design into a challenging boss, and quite a fun character when playable. And that's about all there is to Goodman. He's simple as bosses go, but he can be quite fun when you feel like playing as someone who's very overpowered. Certainly one of the more interesting bosses from SNK.