NEXT VIDEO: TELLING FRIENDS + FAMILY I'M PREGNANT! :    • TELLING FRIENDS + FAMILY I'M PREGNANT!!   • After two years of trying to conceive.. after one year of fertility treatments... it felt like this day would never come. We did our IVF transfer in November and we decided to keep it to ourselves so we could experience this moment in private. With fertility treatments, so many surprises are taken away from you, so I was shocked the morning I got a positive pregnancy test, 5 days after the transfer, and I couldn't wait to surprise Luca with that positive test. • I may seem a bit down in the beginning of the video, but I assure you, I was over the moon excited deep down, but also, a bit scared. Going through infertility robs you of so much joy. Getting a positive pregnancy test is one huge and exciting step, but then there's the chance of miscarriage, and so many other possible difficulties. • This was my first ever positive test after two years of obsessively staring at negatives, hoping a faint line would eventually appear. I really, really was not expecting a positive that morning!! But there it was. • I can't wait to share more of this new journey with you all. Stay tuned for next week's video (and subscribe to support your girl!!) where I'll share about the transfer process, first trimester, and more!! ❤️ • As always, thank you for all the love and support!!! • LYASM • xo Anna Victoria and Luca •   / annavictoria   •   / annaandluca   • P.S. Thank you to our wonderful fertility clinic, Southern California Reproductive Center, and our doctor, Dr. Carolyn Alexander for making our dreams come true!!! •   / scrcivf   •   / bheggfreezemd  


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