What is ISO Certification Tamil
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Download the PDF: http://bit.ly/3EutgIu • • Call: 9941993399 for ISO Certification • Whenever we decide to purchase a product, we should have three factors in mind that is the Price of the product, quality of product and the quality of the goods. Hence quality plays a vital role in decision making. • We can easily identify the quality of the product by simply inspecting it. But how to identify the quality of the product. ISO Certification will help you to identify the quality of the Company. This is a certification provided for the quality of organisations. This helps to improve the quality of the service and this helps to have credibility over the goods. • ISO Certification is issued by International Organisation for Standardization having its headquarters at Geneva, Switzerland. This is formed in the year of 1947. • How to apply • There are plenty of standards in ISO as like ISO 9001, ISO 22001, ISO 14001 etc. The standards will vary according to the business of the organisation. When we implement the ISO procedure properly, our ISO Auditors and the ISO Consultants will visit your office at Chennai and will make a Quality Audit at your organisation and will send the audit report to the ISO Certification company at Chennai and will obtain the ISO Certification. • Who can Apply • It is a wrong impression that only Huge companies can apply for ISO Certification. Even a small firm with 200 sqft or less can apply for ISO Certification. Further even as related to the workers, even one person to 10 or 100 or more can apply for iso certification. here what we consider is just whether they are following the procedure or not whether they are verifying the procedure or not is considered. • Even Partnership or Proprietorship or private limited or public limited companies can apply for ISO Certification. • Benefits • 1. The Mistakes will be reduced • 2. The possibility of delivering quality good or sevice shall increase • 3. Credibility over our company will increase • 4. Customer satisfaction will also increase. • • Arivazhagan • Le Intelligensia • 9941993399 • http://aceon.in