Underpinning Foundations and footings Underpin process explained
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Support our channel if you find our content valuable https://square.link/u/VyzJUjCI #underpinning • #concreteunderpinning • • Traditional underpinning,' the mass concrete underpinning method is nearly 100 years in age, and the protocol has not changed. This underpinning method strengthens an existing structure's foundation by digging boxes by hand underneath and sequentially pouring concrete in a strategic order. The result is a foundation built underneath the existing foundation. This underpinning method is generally applied when the existing foundation is at a shallow depth, but works well up to fifty feet (fifteen meters) deep. The method has not changed since its inception with its use of utilitarian tools such as shovels and posthole diggers. Heavy machinery is not employed in this method due to the small size of the boxes being dug. There are several advantages to using this method of underpinning, including the simplicity of the engineering, the low cost of labor, and the continuity of the structure's use during construction.