Double Valve Replacement Echocardiogram


Colour Doppler echocardiogram video in double valve replacement, showing movements and flow across prosthetic aortic and mitral valves in multiple views. Detailed description at: • Parasternal long axis view of echocardiogram in double valve replacement. Mitral and aortic valves are prosthetic, as evident from the dense echoes due to the metallic components of the prosthetic valves. Acoustic shadowing is seen below the prosthetic aortic valve (Prosth Ao V). RV: right ventricle; LA: left atrium; LV: left ventricle. Prosth MV: prosthetic mitral valve. Left atrium is dilated, possibly as a residua of the previous lesions which made double valve replacement necessary. Aortic valve is in the closed position and the mitral valve open. The open tilting disc of the mitral valve is seen as thin echo in the lower portion of the left ventricular outflow tract, with an echodense tip.


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