FiveM Car HUD Script by Codesign
â–¬ Buy Now on Tebex â–¬ • • â–¬ About This Resource â–¬ • Codesign CarHUD is a script for FiveM that brings a new concept to the table with the idea to maximize customizability on the server and client sides. It allows every player to tailor the HUD to their preferences and needs. You don't need to waste time playing around with different vehicle HUDs, their settings, and code - Just let the players design it themselves. Players can also set their own key binds. • â–¬ Documentation â–¬ • • â–¬ Try before you buy â–¬ • You can join our FiveM showcase server to test our resources before you buy • â–¬ Socials â–¬ • Discord: / discord • Twitter: / codesignscripts • TikTok: / codesignscripts • Instagram: / codesignscripts • FiveM Forum: • â–¬ About Us â–¬ • We are a team of developers creating and distributing UI-based scripts for GTA V mod FiveM. We have a large, active community and thousands of happy customers who run our scripts on their servers every day, you might already know us from our highly customizable Codesign Car HUD, Dispatch or Garage. Our work is tested, upgraded, and improved daily, and we also offer extra services through our Codesign Companion program. • â–¬ FiveM Server Hosting â–¬ • - use code Codesign-6365 for 20% off!