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To subscribe to Ezel. → http://goo.gl/duZMfO • Ezel Episode 71 • Ezel is on his way to prison once again. But he has something to do before he accepts his destiny. To find the man who once again destroyed his world and give him the punishment he deserves. Ezel decides to leave Cengiz and find Cengiz. • Will his family, friends and loved ones be with this man this time? Most importantly, will justice find its place, even if it's late? Are there happy endings in real life? Or are happy endings only fairy tales? Ezel has come to the end of his tale. Games, fights, fighting over. There's only one truth where he stands. • It's a fact we all forget every day. After all, life is already a game. • PRODCUTION: EZEL/ AY YAPIM • PRODUCER: KEREM CATAY • SCREENWRITERS: KEREM DEREN / PINAR BULUT • DIRECTOR: ULUC BAYRAKTAR • MUSIC: TOYGAR ISIKLI • Ezel: Kenan IMIRZALIOGLU • Eysan: Cansu DERE • Cengiz: Yigit OZSENER • Ramiz: Tuncel KURTIZ • Mümtaz: Beyazıt GULERCAN • Meliha: Ipek BILGIN • Ali: Barıs FALAY • Bahar: Sedef AVCI • Şebnem: Bade ISCIL • Mert: Kemal UCAR • Nukhet: Begum BENIAN • Web: http://www.ayyapim.com/ezel • #Ezel #Kenanİmirzalioğlu #CansuDere