Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Full Review
Today I show you the basics of flying in Pilot Training Flight Simulator ROBLOX. This is a tutorial, which I hope most find useful, especially for Pilot Training Flight Simulator beginners. In this video, I used a Boeing aircraft (B777-300ER), and described the important features of flight, and the tips I have implanted, and it is not just entirely based on the aspects on how to generally fly a plane. I also mentioned other features such as PAPI lights, as well as describing their features and benefits. • Thank you for watching this tutorial. If you found it useful, make sure to share it with others who are new to PTFS or who simply want tips on the game, so they can enhance their flying and experience skills • Make sure to like the video if you enjoyed this tutorial or/and if it benefited you. Subscribe if you haven't already, as well as turning post notifications on, so you can be informed when I have uploaded a video. Consider sharing this with others so they too can gain some tips, or can learn the basics and how to fly if they are new to P.T.F.S • RBX Profile - • Twitter - / aviatorlb • Previous Videos: • Emirates Exclusive Flight Footage - • | Join Capt. Alex And F/O Lonely On A... • Emirates Airlines Trailer/Introduction - • | Introducing Emirates Airlines | A R... • RBX Pilot Plays PIGGY - • | RBX Pilot Plays PIGGY | RBX Pilot P...