JUDITHA triumphans Sacrum militare oratorium RV644 PARTE PRIMA

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ANTONIO LUCIO VIVALDI: N.4 March 1678 † 28 July 1741 • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonio_... • Sacrum Militare oratorium, pars prior • 'JUDITHA triumphans devicta Holofernes barbarie' RV 644 • LIBRETTO by Signor Cavalier, Giacomo (Jacopo) Cassetti, 1716 • First Performance: Venice, Ospedale della Pietà, novembre 1716 • {Del'Argomento: Secondo il racconto biblico la vicenda si svolge nei pressi della città palestinese di Betulia, nell'accampamento di Oloferne, generale del re assiro Nabucodonosor. Il finale della prima parte e akuni episodi della seconda parte si svolgono in Betúlia.} • «TRAMA: Il re assiro Nabucodonosor manda un esercito contro Israele per esigere i coattivi tributi non versati. Sotto il comando del generale Holofernes, gli Assiri assediano la città di Betulia nell'intento di conquistarla. La giovane vedova ebrea Juditha va dal condottiero assiro per implorare pietà. Egli s'innamora di lei, la quale lo asseconda. Dopo aver banchettato e bevuto tanto vino, Holofernes cade addormentato. Juditha quindi lo decapita, fugge dal campo nemico e torna vittoriosa a Betulia.» • ROLES: • JUDITHA, vedova ebrea, contralto; HOLOFERNES, capo dell'esercito assiro, contralto; ABRA, ancella di Judith, soprano; VAGAUS, scudiero di Holofernes, soprano; OZIAS, sommo sacerdote, contralto; CORO dei soldati; CORO delle Vergini • SCORING: 2 soprani, 3 contralti, coro misto, 2 flauti, 2 oboi, 2 trombe, 2 clarioni, 4 tiorbe, mandolino, organo, viola d’amore, viola inglese, timpani, archi, basso continuo • PART ONE: • «All of the unusual instruments play a symbolic role in the soundscape of the overall narrative. Vivaldi cycles through them as the story unfolds. Juditha begins and ends with substantial choruses but was not provided with an opening sinfonia. This seems to have been intentional: Vivaldi wanted to get to action immediately. • Holofernes opens the dialogue with his aria 'Nil arma, nil bella' - 'No arms, no war'. Each character in turn is introduced. The Assyrian soldiers chorus 'O quam vaga' - 'How beautiful…', signals the initiation of a plan of action. It emphasizes dissonant intervals that were associated at the time with the Middle East. The descending tetrachord in the bass had long been emblematic of travail. • Judith plots her strategy in 'Quanto magis generosa' - 'How generous…', an Aria in the unusual key of Eb Major. Its obbligato for Viola d’amore, a bowed instrument with six regular and six sympathetic strings. • The ethereal response they produced was suggestive of emotional twittering. They move Holofernes enough for him to take Judith’s bait, as he sings lovingly in 'Sede, o cara' - 'Come sit, my beloved'. • Vagaus summons his Assyrian troops in the aria 'O servi volate' - 'O servants, be quick'. The restriction of the accompaniment to theorboes and harpsichords produces a crisp, thin sounds, but the steady rhythm and its rapid tempo simulate hurrying. • Judith calls Abra to her side in the Aria 'Veni, veni mi sequere fide - 'Come, come follow me', which is provided with a turtledove imitation in the obbligato.» • PERFORMERS: JUDITHA: Barbara Di Castri, mezzosoprano; HOLOFERNES: Lucia Sciannimanico, mezzosoprano; VAGAUS: Nicki Kennedy, soprano; ABRA - Alessandra Rossi, soprano; OZIAS: Rowena Anketell, mezzosoprano; CORO da Camera Italiano, Roma • ORCHESTRA: Modo Antiquo • DIRECTION: Federico Maria Sardelli • _______________ • {AUDIO: • XXVII. Chorus Of Part One Final : • The young women in Bethulia sing a psalm: 'Ruler Of The World' • Virginum psalentium in Bethulia: 'Mundi Rector' • Venice Baroque Orchestra ; Direction: Andrea Marcon} • • DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Copyrights of this Audio and I do not take any credit of it. The Audio is copyrighted by its corresponding owners. Thank You


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