BridgeHands Advanced Lesson 15 Slams Penalty Doubles and Excitement
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • Here we go again with eight more exciting hands taken from the table with red-blooded Bridge players! • We start off pondering the bids to scope out slam (or grand slam) contracts. But what if you're running a tad short to make a 6 Notrump contract - now what do we do. Are you into counting the shape of the opponents suit when you are winning sure tricks? Well, if you want to make the contract, now is a good time to see how it's done by making and endplay instead of trying a fateful, feeble finesse attempt. And while making a slam contact in a suit contract seems simple enough, are you up to cuebidding controls to find the almighty grandslam contract? So far so good - now ponder how as responder with a 6-6-1-0 shape, should we shoot for slam after partner opens 1 Notrump. • Then we shift to playing doubled game suit contracts - do we enjoy extra points for the insult or go down the tubes? Of course whether you are declarer or defender, as always the play is the thing! • Here at BridgeHands all of our Bridge hands are full of commentary (regardless of who is the declarer and defender) and analysis on hand evaluation, bidding and animated card play. As always, our hand discussion offers a refreshingly rare glimpse of Bridge inside the minds of all four players at the table as play progresses, bid by bid, card by card. Visitors are welcome to view the Part 1 series of our video lesson with nuances that will lead to quick and sound bidding without guesswork. Those with the Free BridgeHands membership may also watch Part 2 where we play more hands with provocative play tips and strategies, as well as way to improve skills by critiquing student players. As a Premium and ULTRA member, you are welcome to enjoy the entire five-part lesson segments with lots of hands, plus an opportunity to view future shows during your membership subscription period. And as always, be sure to check out the hundreds of hours of videos in our archive that is growing by leaps and bounds, by clicking the above link.