Twilight Edward or Jacob Who Would you rather date


  / clevvertv   - Follow Us! • • Twilight: Edward or Jacob, Who Would you rather date? • • In this episode of WHO'D YOU RATHER, we're deciding who'd be the better Twilight date: the vampire or the werewolf - Edward or Jacob. • • WHO'S BETTER LOOKING? • JOSLYN: Is there really any question here? Seriously-of course it's Edward! Bella herself described him as impossibly beautiful and I could not agree more. He is basically a greek god-skin like marble, bronze hair, golden eyes, a muscular frame-and then there is his face-could it be anymore perfect? And I know we've made fun of Robert Pattinson's hair before, but I love how he's got the whole messy-yet still put together look-down to a T. Jacob is good looking, but how do you compare with an Adonis? It's Edward on this one all the way! • • DANA: All I have to say for my pick is tall, dark and handsome. That's obviously Jacob! On top of that, he's toned, tan and muscular... A girl of any height - plus heels - could easily fit next to this 6-7-frame guy. • • PERSONALITY? • DANA: I'd have to say that as odd and as much of an outsider as Edward is, he's way more part of the IN-crowd than Jacob. I mean, Edward is at least attending the local public school while Jacob is stuck on the reservation, Edward plays baseball and he even takes Bella to prom - how cute is that! He's obviously a good sport and really tries to make Bella feel loved and cared for. And he's described as being protective, charming, polite and bonus - romantic! Since he doesn't need to sleep, he can get a lot more done than the average human. What do you think about these guys and their personalities, Joslyn? • • JOSLYN: I think Edward's personality is so predictable. It's not necessarily boring, just not surprising. • • JOSLYN: That's why I have to say Jacob here. He is kind of the bad boy, which we know so many girls love. But what I love most about his personality is that he is not perfect. He really struggles throughout the Twilight saga and in the end we see that he does want to do the right thing. We see him go from shy to sullen and he's tempermental at times. His personality has so many layers to it- and that's why I really think he's such a great character. • • DANA: And of course, we want to know who YOU guys pick. Who would you rather date? Who would make a better boyfriend? Let us know by leaving a comment. • • DANA: Thanks for tuning into another episode of Clevver TV. With Joslyn Davis, I'm Dana Ward and we'll see you next time! • • Hosted By Dana Ward and Joslyn Davis


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