kzsp1rengapyon and more Tier 6s VNL KZ
VIDEO BLOCKED IN RUSSIA OOPS :( • are y'all seeing this... • kz_sp1_rengapyon FUN MAP WITH BAD 180 JB KINDA (IM JUST ASS) but hte px surf is annoying before it ig • kz_ickkck doo doo stain map with cool climb parts but hard parts are rng perf prayers • bkz_uninspired_trash LOWK NOT THE WORST IF U ABUSE CPING ON BHOPS • kz_skytower annoying jump and long ass map mid ash • ONE JUMP CLOSER TO VNL JUMPSTAT MASTER (HARDEST ONES LEFT LMAO) • drake was so real for posting this video on his ig reels • steam: • • song: on on - piri , tommy villers