The Queue Doublelift amp Svenskeren
This week Dash is queued up with Doublelift and Svenskeren to talk LCS Finals in Detroit and what to expect when Cloud9 take on reigning champions Team Liquid. • 00:00 Welcome Doublelift, What does it mean to be the best? • 02:59 - What does it take to become the best? What sacrifices had to be made to get there? • 04:52 - Did you recognize your own ability at that age early on in your career? • 06:36 - Why keep going despite the career highs and lows? What is the motivation still? • 08:15 - Being the best domestically, but wanting to the best internationally. • 09:49 - How does it make you feel when the expectation is for you to take NA to the next level on the world stage? • 13:08 - Defining moments. Failing and what did you learn from your time away from the game? • 16:12 - A different Doublelift coming into Season 8 MSI. TL vs FNC, What was that week/day like? • 17:59 - Season 9, 2019 MSI Finals appearance, did you feel your role changed? • 21:18 - Is this the best version of Team Liquid that's ever existed? • 22:38 - Do you feel that League of Legends has evolved where top tier teams can play different styles and there is no on best style? • 25:00 - Do you like being the best? Is it a position you enjoy being in? • 26:19 - The value of ego in sports. • 30:38 - Being the best and having trust on a team. • 35:34 - Game 5, what are you saying in the locker room? • 36:41 - How often do you guys talk about the 4-peat? • 38:44 - What matters more: The 1st Seed or the 4-peat? • 40:20 - Doublelift on his teammates: Xmithie • 45:01 - How do you feel about your Finals rematch with C9? • 48:08 - Do you think Svenskeren and Nisqy can get it done? • 50:06 - In Detroit, are you guys doing it bringing the 4-peat home? • 50:37 - Welcome Svenskeren • 50:47 - Svenskeren Interview: 2019 Spring Split Semifinals and TSM Reverse sweep of Cloud9. • 52:34 - What did you guys do to diagnose what needs to change and at the same time guard yourself from blowing up the roster? • 53:57 - Using humor and openness to deal with adversity. • 54:45 - Were you angry, frustrated at those result from last split? • 56:15 - What does Cloud9 as an org do to create healthy ways to move through adversity? • 57:43 - Were there any feelings of it all could slip away again when they played Clutch? • 1:00:47 - Do you feel like that experience in 2019 spring prepared you to allow yourself to step aside for other teammates so your team can win? • 1:01:54 - Svenskeren and Nisqy being stars of Cloud9 and Cloud9 not living or dying by the success of one individual. • 1:03:27 - Do you feel Cloud9's success is predicated on yours and Nisqy's success? Do you believe there's truth to that? • 1:04:18 - What's your first step when you come into a team? Do you ask who needs me the most? • 1:07:35 - How did Nisqy become so good for C9 and between you two who taught who how to push an advantage? • 1:09:30 - How do you feel about your matchup with Team Liquid knowing C9 hasn't won a title in 5 years? • 1:12:09 - Do you think Doublelift is the best player in North America? Are you better for playing with him? Do you think he's better for playing with you? • 1:13:30 - What is your response or feeling to the perception that every team is disregarded for not being Team Liquid right now. • 1:14:24 - Do you feel any responsibility to the old legacy of Cloud9 or is it more about creating something new? • 1:15:02 - Were you always a competitive person even as a kid? • 1:15:53 - Going from just a young kid playing videos to the admired pro player you are now, how did you deal with that transition? • 1:17:45 - Can you identify the valleys of your career? • 1:20:10 - You and Goldenglue are fondly known as the Swole Bros. Do you think physical fitness is important to competition success even if the competition is itself not physical? • 1:21:48 - Do you feel a responsibility to present that healthy lifestyle and encourage others pursue healthy living? • 1:22:52 - Why do you think C9 outperforms every team from North America on the international stage? • 1:25:05 - Do you think Cloud9 has a good understanding of what kind of team it is and who you are as a team this year versus last year? • 1:26:52 - Final thoughts on match up with Team Liquid.