Rocket Fundamentals Ideal Rocket Equation Derivation Specific Impulse Rocket Trajectories 1


This video covers the fundamental equations needed to simulate rocket trajectories, such as the Tsiolkovsky / ideal rocket equation and specific impulse. Note that the equations for the position over time of rocket trajectories have no analytical solution, and thus must be solved numerically. • In its most abstract sense, a rocket is a vehicle which expels mass to accelerate. This can apply to something as simple as a balloon, which when is opened, air goes out in one direction, and the balloon accelerates in the opposite direction. • In order to understand the derivation of the Tsiolkovsky / ideal rocket equation, we must make sure we understand Newton’s second law, which states that the rate of change of momentum is directionally proportional to the force applied, in the direction of the force. And note that a lot of times we’re used to seeing Newton’s second law as F = ma. But this is only true when the mass of the system is constant. In this case, mass is factored out of the derivative, leaving us with this equation. B for rockets, mass is constantly changing, so we cannot make this assumption. • This video goes on to cover the derivation of the Tsiolkovsky / ideal rocket equation, which begins from the conservation of linear momentum and arrives at its final form after an integration. • CORRECTION: It was pointed out in the comments that the largest deviations from the ideal rocket equation come from gravity losses, which I did not mention in the video. That will be a whole video of its own in this series. • Links to the Space Engineering Podcast (YouTube, Spotify, Google Podcasts, SimpleCast): •    • Space Engineering Podcast Full Episodes   • • https://space-engineering-podcast.sim... • • Link to Orbital Mechanics with Python video series: •    • Orbital Mechanics with Python   • Link to Spacecraft Attitude Control with Python video series: •    • Spacecraft Attitude Control with Python   • Link a Mecánica Orbital con Python (videos en Español): •    • Mecánica Orbital con Python   • Link to Numerical Methods with Python video series: •    • Numerical Methods with Python   • #rockettrajectories #rocketscience #idealrocketequation


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