RUT Demo


I don’t know who this John Lizard guy is, but he owes me—big time. • Seriously, what is this, like, the third thing of his that I’ve shared on my channel? There was Acrylics, then Fussy, and now Rut. That’s three more things than I should’ve uploaded to begin with, he hasn’t even bribed me with any cassettes by this point. What does he take me for, some sort of charity? Punks gotta pay the toll if they wanna take a ride on the all-expenses-paid Jimmy Express, ya heard? I’m expecting a minimum of two audio cassette tapes on my desk by Tuesday or you and I are through, Johnathon Lizard. • Teasing, Johnny. I just want to take this joke as an opportunity to clarify something that I’ve been asked about a handful of times in the past few weeks: Jimmy doesn’t charge a dime for any of this, through monetary or materialistic means. No, Jimmy won’t take Paypal to upload your band, and no, he won’t upload it solely because you’re willing to offer him a tape. On the flip side of the same coin, if I do upload your band, you’re still not obligated to send Jimmy shit, at all. I’ve joked about being “bribed” by bands in the past, and it seems that some people are taking them to heart. I’m afraid of coming off as any more of a worthless hack then I already am, so I’m making the statement to say that I’m not genuinely being paid off by anyone, this is nothing more than a hobby to me. If you want to send me something, great, but if not, then no hard feelings, I can’t hold anything against you. In this particular case, it’s just really easy to tease “John Lizard” about it. • Alright, now that I’ve got that out of the way, here’s Rut. They’re a hardcore group from Santa Rosa, California, which is home to other J. Lizard-recorded bands, namely Acrylics and Fussy. I mean, what else does Santa Rosa got that’s worth mentioning? That’s the place with all the wine and old people, right? Thrilling. Or, at least I’d imagine that it would be, considering that they’ve got bands like Rut active over there. This five-piece hardcore group threw out a demo back in April to the unsuspecting ears of… not many, probably. I haven’t listened to anything from this group until recently, only having heard their name through an event page or two prior to “John” contacting me. I found that “John” shared it on his tumblr back when it first released in April, but I don’t follow anyone on Tumblr (save for Kathleen, hi), so I didn’t catch it. Cut me some slack, alright? There’s a lot to keep track of over here at Jimmy HQ; it’s like I’m at the tail-end of a sewer pipe, poking through the run-off with a large pole to try and find a solid piece of shit in a sea of chunky poop-stew. It’s rough. • This succinct lil’ demo of theirs is really impressive, though; I would’ve expected something of this caliber to already be unanimously-fawned over by the internet by now. I guess I’m not the only one slacking here. There's three thickset-tracks--four if you count the fifty-second-long introduction--all of which aiming to completely pummel your hearing receptors with their devastatingly-dense sounds. The palpable basslines make the guitar sound wiry and frail in comparison, which is thankfully made up for with the group’s usage of a second guitarist. It might not be immediately noticeable within the introduction track, but there is definitely a second set of chords hidden within the vast expanses of pulpy bass-driven rhythms. The added tonality is much appreciated, and further accentuates the hecticness of their music, especially towards the end of tracks once the guitarists loosen their steely-grips on the strings and transition into lingering feedback (of which there's plenty of in this tape). It's a crushing display of hardcore that mingles somewhere between a mid-to-high tempo, constantly alternating between an abrasive, breakneck speed and slow, demolishing grooves at a moment's notice, with the pissed-off vocalist adjusting accordingly. It's just real-good hardcore all-around, what more can you ask for? • Is Rut as good as Acrylics or Fussy? Eh, that's debatable. If only I had a tape or two of theirs to jog my memory. Seriously, that Acrylics tape is the bane of my existence. John said he'd hook me up with one, then they sold out. I ordered a re-press offa Discontinous Innovation Inc., then they recently told me that they're going to send it out soon with a buncha extra goodies. It's been over four months since I uploaded that S/T tape, I still don't own one. I feel like I'm at the butt-end of a joke from these California punks by now, they don't want me to have it or something. If I finally get one and open the case to find it's got a Bee Gees tape or whatever inside, I'm gonna be pretty peeved. Gonna go nuclear here soon, trust. • TRACK LIST: • Intro/In a Rut – 0:00 • Contempt – 2:12 • Seen Not Heard – 3:46 • DOWNLOAD:


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