【危険生物】海のギャング!巨大活ウツボのさばき方!職人技 日本 紀州 銀ちろ The Sea GangMoray Eel Cuisine Japanese Style Japan food
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=bYGxcmjDitE
If you like the video at all, please like it! • https://cutt.ly/Pe5gcq3 • Check out the other videos! • In this video, I take a close look at Ginchiro , a restaurant in Wakayama, Kishu, famous for its moray eel cuisine! • This time, they processed the biggest moray eel in the fish tank, a 5 kilogram class moray eel. • The technique introduced in the video, lkejime, originated in Japan, where the fish is immediately killed (brain-dead) and bled to prevent decomposition of the flesh and keep it fresh longer. • Shinkeijime is a technique that has recently been gaining attention in Japan, where a special wire-like device (piano wire in this case) is used to destroy the nerve bundles (spinal cord) that run along the upper middle bone of the fish. • This is said to prevent the fish from becoming violent or stressed, to prevent the loss of ATP (the source of energy and flavor in fish), and to prolong the time when rigor mortis begins. • From a religious point of view (Islam, veganism, etc.), people from overseas may think that such a method is cruel and inhumane, but it is a necessary technology to make raw fish such as sushi and sashimi, which the Japanese love, more delicious, and this technology for handling fish meat is unique to Japan and is still evolving. • We eat and live with gratitude and respect for all life, be it animals, fish, or plants, without distinction. • Not everyone, but many Japanese people seem to have this kind of thoughts, ideas and philosophy. • As for the taste of the moray eel dish, it was not a ghetto dish, but a refined and elegant taste like a blowfish, and the meat was surprisingly tender. • If you are ever in Wakayama, please come to Ginchiro and try the fresh live moray eel. (Reservations are required for the thinly sliced moray eel.) • Thank you very much for the food. • DELI BALI • Movie shooting cooperation: Kishu no Ajidokoro Ginchiro • http://www.ginchiro.jp/ • ↓↓↓ Be sure to watch the other videos too!!! • [DELI BALI's recommended videos] • The No.1 EEL in Japan Carp Cuisine! Traditional Chefs skill of Japanese street Food! • • 【至宝】日本一のうなぎ&鯉料理「逢坂山かねよ」降臨!日本 職人技 さばき方... • Amazing cutting skills in Japan! Moving blowfish fillets are a traditional Japanese technique! • • 【職人技】活トラフグ(猛毒)のさばき方!京都祇園 山福 ふぐ料理 Blow... • The art of takoyaki making! Gindaco god's skill in japan! [craftsmanship 2020] • • 築地銀だこ 焼き方が凄いたこ焼き職人【職人芸】The Art of Tak... • Making the best chocolate in the world! first-class chocolatier craftsmanship in japan! COCO KYOTO • • 世界一のチョコレート作り密着!一流ショコラティエの職人技!ココ京都 Mak... • Amazing Japanese Street Food! Super Fast Pounding Mochi Workers in Japan!【Rice Cake】 • • 【職人技】日本一の高速手打ち餅つき屋 降臨!名物グルメ 中谷堂 Japan... • The art of high-class Tempura time! Kyoto endo's super valuable chef skills! Japanese food! • • 海外セレブ御用達!高級天ぷら圓堂 超貴重な職人技!日本 京都 The A... • Amazing Japanese Cutting Skill of Carp! The Traditional Japanese Rare Carp(koi) Dishes! • • 【稀少】コイのさばき方&鯉料理フルコースの作り方!職人技 日本 京屋鯉清水... • The art of master chef skills selection 2020 with ASMR street food in Japan! [DELI BALI] • • 【傑作選】日本のレベチ過ぎる職人技&ASMR料理動画まとめ!The Art... • The making of Japanese handmade school lunch! Japan's elementary school students life 2021! • • 【尊き】日本の手作り学校給食 feat. 小学一年生の今!職人技 日本 大... • The world-recognized fluffy omelet rice master's amazing cooking skills! Kichi-Kichi Kyoto Japan! • • 世界が認めたオムライス職人の一日密着!職人技 キチキチ 京都 グルメ Wo... • #moray eel • #how to handle a moray eel • #Japanese food