Ransom note Leetcode 383

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=bYzvVCfbwXM

This video explains a very interesting string problem which is to find whether it is possible to form a ransom note using the characters of the string present in magazine. Characters are not reusable from magazine. I have explained this problem using hash which keeps count of frequency of characters in magazine and then try to form the ransom note using this frequency hash. If it is possible to form a string then we return true otherwise return false. I have explained this problem with proper example and intuition of how to solve it. I have also explained the CODE at the end of the video and have provided the CODE LINK below. This problem is based entirely on counting characters using an array or hashmap. If you find any difficulty or have any query then do COMMENT below. PLEASE help our channel by SUBSCRIBING and LIKE our video if you found it helpful...CYA :) • • CODE LINK: https://gist.github.com/SuryaPratapK/...


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