The Best Welding Practice Piece shorts
Want to save a lot of time and hassle while learning to weld? Check out my affordable online welding and fabrication courses at . A clever cube that provides a dozen practice weld joints on one part. • When learning how to weld with Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), also known as TIG welding, practice is key. Unlike flat coupons, this cube provides practice fitting and tack welding. This could also be used to practice Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) or MIG welding as well as stick welding. This example uses 2 square steel tubing and TIG Brazing, but different materials could be used to practice welding aluminum, welding steel or welding stainless steel. • TIG Welding Basics (Full Tutorial): • TIG Welding Basics for Beginners • TIG Brazing Video: • TIG Brazing with Silicon Bronze: How ... • Subscribe to TimWelds: • #shorts ***Affiliate Notice*** • Some of the links on this page are affiliate links which provide a small commission from sales to help support this channel and make these videos possible. Thanks for your support!